Friday, 25 April 2014

Easter Projects

Here's what I've been doing over the past couple of weeks. Almost finished Ezra's portrait, just need to do some finishing touches. I'm pleased with it. Found it enjoyably challenging because I was working from a photo thats several months old so Ezra looks a bit different and more grown up now. So I guess I was working partly from the photo and partly from the present 19 month old Ez.

And here's something else on wood. We've been making some plans for home improvements and decorating and this new house number is  a small start.

acrylic on wood with satin varnish

Tuesday, 8 April 2014


This is what I am currently working on, a portrait of baby Ezra... who is not really a baby any more. This is definitely a portrait of a little boy. 

I had the idea to do a leafy foresty background and then really wanted to paint it on an interesting piece of wood. So I went along to the Bristol Wood Recycling Project and found this which sort of has its own ready made frame. I think its suits the portrait really well...

Below you can see the progression so far, although I didn't think to take a photo before any paint had been applied.

first draft